edje_cc -id images/ knob.edc knob.edj edje_player knob.edjYou need to install EFL to do this. As a quick overview, theming of Elementary widgets can be done like this:
- Write an .edc file and create an .edj from it - Use the edje file in your program roughly like this: elm_theme_extension_add(NULL, "./knob.edj"); // load the .edj file Evas_Object *knob_slider = elm_slider_add(win); // add a slider widget elm_object_style_set(knob_slider, "knob"); // set the theme ^^^^~~~~~~~~ This is the name of the group (see below)A demo program will be described here, but first we go through the knob.edc.
which here contains agroup block,
programs block.
------------------------------------------------- knob.edc ----------------------- collections{ group{This is the name we will use in the C source to select this style in elm_object_style_set.
name: "elm/slider/horizontal/knob"; alias: "elm/slider/horizontal/default"; min: 64 64;Here we list the images we are using to display the knob. They will be supplied to edje_cc with -id PATH_TO_IMAGES.
images{ image: "0000.png" COMP; image: "0001.png" COMP; image: "0002.png" COMPSimilar for 0003.png to 0059.png.
image: "0060.png" COMP; image: "knobbg.png" COMP; } script{The script block contains global variables and functions. update_knob_state is used to load new images when the knob is turned.
public knob_pos; public knob_ref; public knob_last; public knob_move; public signal_from_dragger; public update_knob_state(Float:frac){ new px, py, pw, ph; get_geometry(PART:"knob", px, py, pw, ph); new Float:step = ph/60; if(frac > ph) { set_state(PART:"knob", "60", 0.0); return;} if(frac <= 0) { set_state(PART:"knob", "default", 0.0); return;} if(frac < step) { set_state(PART:"knob", "1", 0.0); return;} if(frac < 2*step) { set_state(PART:"knob", "2", 0.0); return;}Similar "if" statments for frac < 3*step to 59*step.
if(frac < 60*step) { set_state(PART:"knob", "60", 0.0); return;} } public reset_dragger(){ set_drag(PART:"dragger", 0.0, 0.0); set_int(signal_from_dragger, 0); } } parts{The parts block contains the functional parts of the knob.
part{ name: "knobbase"; scale: 1; description{ state: "default" 0.0; min: 64 64; image.normal: "knobbg.png"; } } part{ name: "knob"; mouse_events: 0; scale: 1;
These are mostly geometric objects that may be moveable and/or visible.
They may also emit signals which will be important in the programs block below.Each part has a one or more descriptions, which represent states of the part.
description{ state: "default" 0.0; min: 64 64; rel.to: "knobbase"; image.normal: "0000.png"; } description{ state: "1" 0.0; inherit: "default" 0.0; image.normal: "0001.png"; } description{ state: "2" 0.0; inherit: "default" 0.0; image.normal: "0002.png"; }
Here each state is associated with one image (position) of the knob.Descriptions for states "3" to "59" similar.
description { state: "60" 0.0; inherit: "default" 0.0; image.normal: "0060.png"; } } part{This part is needed, so we can set the value of the knob from the C source via elm_slider_value_set.
//The real slider for elm_slider name: "elm.dragable.slider"; scale: 1; dragable.x: 1 1 0; dragable.y: 1 1 0; type: RECT; description{ state: "default" 0.0; visible: 0; } dragable{ x: 1 1 0; y: 1 1 0; } } part{This part is the actually draggable part of the slider.
name: "dragger"; type: RECT; description{ state: "default" 0.0; rel1.to: "knob"; rel2.to: "knob"; color: 0 0 0 0; } description{ state: "hoki" 0.0; rel1.to: "knob"; rel2.to: "knob"; color: 0 0 0 0; } dragable{ x: 0 0 0; y: 1 1 0; } } } programs{
It's invisible but will measure, how much the knob has been turned (or dragged).The program block contains small scripts which define
the behaviour of our knob.
The programs are called when a certain signal
from a certain source is received. Signals can be emitted from inside this edje
or from outside (C source).The script part of this program runs when
name: "on_drag_move"; signal: "drag"; source: "dragger"; script{ new Float:p1; new Float:p2;
signal "drag" from source "dragger" (the part defined above) is received.The drag value is subtracted from the last knob position, because a drag upwards yields negative values.
get_drag(PART:"dragger", p1, p2); set_float(knob_pos, get_float(knob_last) - p2); new px, py, pw, ph; get_geometry(PART:"knob", px, py, pw, ph); if(get_float(knob_pos) > ph) set_float(knob_pos, ph); if(get_float(knob_pos) < 0) set_float(knob_pos, 0); update_knob_state(get_float(knob_pos)); new Float:sl_val = get_float(knob_pos)/ph;The variable "signal_from_dragger" is used as a guard to distinguish if calls of set_drag for "elm.dragable.slider"
set_int(signal_from_dragger, 1); set_drag(PART:"elm.dragable.slider", sl_val , sl_val); } } program{ name: "on_drag_stop"; signal: "drag,stop"; source: "dragger"; script{ set_float(knob_last, get_float(knob_pos)); reset_dragger(); } } program{ name: "on_wheel"; signal: "mouse,wheel*"; source: "dragger"; //after: "on_slider_set"; } program{ signal: "elm,state,enabled"; source: "elm"; script { set_int(signal_from_dragger, 0); } } program{
are made from here (then it is 1), ore from outside, e.g. C source, (then it is 0).This program is called when set_drag for elm.dragable.slider is called.
signal: "drag,set"; source: "elm.dragable.slider"; script {If we were called because the part "dragger" was dragged, "signal_from_dragger" is 1 and nothing else
if(get_int(signal_from_dragger) == 0){ new Float:p1; new Float:p2; get_drag(PART:"elm.dragable.slider", p1, p2); new px, py, pw, ph; get_geometry(PART:"knob", px, py, pw, ph); set_float(knob_pos, ph*p1); if(get_float(knob_pos) > ph) set_float(knob_pos, ph); if(get_float(knob_pos) < 0) set_float(knob_pos, 0); set_float(knob_last, get_float(knob_pos)); update_knob_state(get_float(knob_pos)); new Float:sl_val = get_float(knob_pos)/ph; set_drag(PART:"elm.dragable.slider", sl_val , sl_val); }else{ set_int(signal_from_dragger, 0); } } } } } }
will happen here except that "signal_from_dragger" will be set to 0.